Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why Does My Dog Pee on My Bed?

One thing I've heard from quite a few clients is that their puppy will pee in their bed.  Honestly, a few occasions it hasn't even been a puppy at all, but rather a young adult.  Of course, the owners of these dogs are frustrated and furious.  They love their dogs, but are at their wits end.  They're tired of washing sheets and just want a dog they don't have to worry about.  So, what does cause a dog to pee on a bed?

The Cause
The number one reason dogs pee on your bed is the exact same reason they chew your dirty underwear and smells like you.  In the wild dogs, and young dogs especially, encounter numerous different predators.  When they encounter a predator, they have two choices.  They can fight or they can run, and neither of these is extremely beneficial for the dog.  So, to avoid running into one of their foes they try to cover their scent.  In the wild (and often on farms or in the country), dogs will roll in the nastiest things, like poop or dead animals.  In your house, they roll in your dirty underwear and, you guessed it, your bed.  Young dogs especially have to be careful, so they try to cover the smell of their urine as well.  What better spot to hide their scent than in the scent of their protector and guardian.  Your bed smells like you...a your dog is hiding his scent in your bed.  By peeing in your bed, and hiding the smell of his urine, your dog is making himself feel less vulnerable and less exposed. 

Another Reason
Some dogs are known as "submissive eliminators."  Many people find a submissive dog to be extremely desirable (easy to calm, eager to please, good with the family, etc.).  An overly submissive dog, however, can be a bit of a problem.  Submissive eliminators tend to pee...a lot.  They tend to pee when excited.  They'll pee when they're scared.  Sometimes they'll even pee just because someone entered the room.  Their pee is actually a huge sign of respect.  If your dog tends to squat whenever you walk in the room, then your dog is probably a submissive eliminator.  Younger dogs often grow out of this behavior, but if you have an older dog who is still exhibiting this behavior, refer to the post on submissive elimination or consult your vet on local animal behaviorist.

A Common Misconception
Because your dog feels most vulnerable right after being scolded and often after being left alone, these are the most common times for your dog to pee on your bed.  Because of this, many people think the dog is doing this out of spite.  I'll often hear, "I yelled at him for digging in the garbage, and he was so mad he went to my bedroom and peed on my bed!"  This is often supported by the fact that the dog often looks guilty after such an incident, like he knew he was doing something terrible and felt remorseful afterward.  The truth, however, is that your dog is peeing in your bed because he's afraid.  He feels vulnerable either because you yelled at him or because you left him alone.  He's trying to feel safe again.

What Can I Do?
The simplest, most logical treatment is to not allow your dog on  your bed.  If you're not home or are unable to supervise your dog, put him in a crate.   You may think it sounds cruel, but I guarantee you that after a short while in the crate your young dog will start to find comfort by being in it.  Besides, if your dog can't get on your bed, he can't pee in your bed.

Next, you want to make sure your dog is completely housebroken.  Your dog may be confused as to where he's supposed to go.  Take the time to return to house training 101.  This will do wonders for you in the long run.

After that, it's all about keeping things clean.  If your dog can still smell his urine from previous accidents he'll be more likely to urinate there again.  When you're cleaning up a mess, try using a special pet odor eliminator (I use Hartz).  Also, make sure you keep your sheets clean.  If you're one of those unlucky people who sweat a lot at night, wash your sheets (including your mattress cover) on a regular basis.

All in all, it comes down to knowing your dog.  What will set him off?  What frightens him and what does he like?  Take the time to "read" your dog and work with your dog, and you'll end up with a wonderful relationship.


  1. Thank you so much, my dog just did this. Reading this has taken my anger away and helped me understand. I'm trying to create a great relationship with my little dog so our family and I can have years of enjoyment with her. I will explain this concept to my family which will help them better understand her too. Thank you!

    1. My dog pees on my god damn bed every night so i think giving the little bitch away is a better idea

    2. You have serious issue. Take your dog to a shelter it's better off without a crazy person wanting to kill him

    3. You have been reported to the authorities!

    4. They have your IP address and will be checking on your dog! Hurt him & go to jail for years on felony charges. You will be on the national animal abuse registry. No one will ever hire you again. Thank you for letting us know of your intentions.

    5. I'm reporting you for gullability of the first degree and acute lack of a sense of humor.

    6. We found this guy his name is Seth Mitcham from Little Rock, AR.

    7. Calm down everyone. This was obviously in very poor taste...But knowing it to be a joke did.make me giggle a little. Why is everyone so quick to call "the authorities?" If you have any clue to how police departments handle these issues the pigs usually end up shooting the animal if one is really involved.

      Concerning the article this was really least I know my little angel isn't trying to be naughty. Thanks!

    8. if you do not want this little dog i am sure someone would take it,please dont hurt the dog,,,this has me so upset and i am sure someone would love this baby

    9. my bulldog did this twice...what is the best way to clean the urine off the mattress? I don't know, it just feels really icky and makes my skin itch just sleeping on my bed.


    11. Thank you so much for this information. I have an family member who is ill and have recently been staying with them (in the same town). Our little dog has stayed at home with his Grandpa, I am Grandma to this dog. We love this little girl so much and she has been peeing on the bed. We never see when she does it, but find it later. I have been washing the sheets and blankets. I was never mad about this just oh so worried about her. I think now that she just must be confused with my being gone and coming back home for short periods of time. Easy fix for us will be to close the bedroom door when she is to be left alone which isn't very often. I just feel relief in having some information as to why this is happening. Thank you!

    12. doesn't matter if thats a joke or not, your sick and need help! that dog should rip you a new one! terriable for even think that about an animal

    13. to Anonymous Jan. 10, 2014. What a demented sicko piece of garbage you are. I hope you get a good dose of Karmic Justice. As for your little dog. I think I have him and even though you messed him up, he is loved and treated like gold. He is the cutest and sweetest and most loving dog. Thank you for dropping him off and giving him a chance for a wonderful and happy life with us.

    14. Our 11 month old dog does this, pees on the bed, and we never see her do it, but find it later on.

      The only solution seems to not let her have free run of the house, which is sad. We can only let her be free in the house when we can watch her constantly. Otherwise she has to be crated, or put outside in the back yard. Fortunately, she likes her crate, and she likes the back yard. I should also mention that the bed she has been peeing on is not the one we sleep on every night. It is in the guest bedroom. What's weird is that she could have peed on the tile floor below the bed, but no, she jumped up onto the bed and peed right on the bed. The guest bed has a vinyl cover, since we let guests sleep on it, and we want to protect the mattress from whatever they might bring in with them (such as bed bugs), so fortunately, the mattress was protected from the pee by the vinyl cover.

    15. TO JANUARY 10th 2014. I am a dog trainer and you are a idiot. First of all the dog is terrified of you, but unfortunately loves you because your all he had. People like you are evil, and dogs sense that. If dogs make mistakes it is because you screwed up, not the dog. Most of my job is training people, not dogs. You have no idea how your dog thinks. For the others that are not sure. You must limit his or her space as part of the training process. Dogs should not have free roam of the house in the beginning. crate training is important. And remember you want your dog to respect you, not fear you. Dogs are simple creatures, we are the ones that complicate it, learn to understand what your dog is trying to tell you. for the moron at the top I will tell you where I live put a choke on you and tie you out about two feet without food or water until you are all dried up. I hope they find you. I wish I could!!!!

    16. If you actually read the entire post the guy put up that everyone is freaking out about, you would see he is giving the guy before him shit about his are all followers and didnt take the time to actually read the post

    17. Even if it was a joke. It was in poor taste as this actually happens, people have given up dogs for even less than peeing on the bed. Which is why people are understandably sickened because we believe someone could do this and they have. Even as I type this, thousands of dogs are being abused so using dog abuse as basis for your joke was wrong.

  2. Thanks for the post. For some reason, my dog (2 or 3 years old) has peed my bed three times since I adopted her from the "pound" 6 months ago. I'm not sure why, but your post did help me understand perhaps why she is doing it on occasion. There seems to be a trend going on and I know the connection now with the timing of her peeing on my bed. Still not sure why she does it, I mean, understanding the dog behavior of marking or masking their scent, but I'm learning. I did not nor will I punish her for doing it. I know it is not out of spite. Thank you.

    1. Did your dog eventually stop??? Our dog we adopted has done it twice in my bed and once on a chair. Not sure what to do.

    2. No he pee in my sister bed but not in my how come

    3. i just adopted a Little dog she did the same ...

    4. I just adopted a little dog and she has done it 4 times while I was at work reading this gives me a little understanding on her part...

    5. My dog hated my new laundry soap. She was also feeling left out because I had to go out and it was too cold to take her - 9 degrees. I wouldn't take my KIDS out in that. So, she did it...twice. Once I got her her OWN bed it stopped. I made sure I put one of my shirts on the bed so she could smell me, she settled into it very very nicely. There was no issue with it once she had something of her own!

    6. Hi I have a question I have 4 dogs ! one 11yr male yorkie/6 yr.snzer/2 yr fem. yorkie and 3mo shz, zu I love my babys very much but I have a problem my 2yorkie when we leave to work she goes on my bed and pees on my bed :( I dont know what to do they are all train on pet mats always and we also take them out but for some reason she wont stop ive punish her by putting her in the crateand spanking her which i hate what should i do..

    7. Every time my wife's dog pisses my bed, I smack the shit out of the little Yorkie bitch..I see the fear in her eyes and I love it. That dog will learn to RESPECT me and pee on the potty patch.

      Wife got the dog against my wishes. I believe the dog is doing this crap on purpose to get back at me. Keep it up, dog...our Vietnamese neighbors will soon receive a dinner gift...Yorkie in ducksauce,.

    8. You disgust me. That dog shouldn't be anywhere near you because your scum. He is pissing on the bed because he is afraid so 'smack the shit out of her' which will cause her to be even more afraid. Please drop this dog off at a shelter. Just say to the wife 'we have to give away the dog because I'm abusing it' if she has a heart, she'll agree, if she has any brains, she'll divorce you and keep the dog. You don't give a shit about the dog so just drop it off at a shelter and let it have a life that is full of love. Rather than a guy who has a one inch penis and no balls, because he has to beat the shit out of a defenceless animal to make him feel like a 'man'. I hope your mom is proud of you, if I was her, I probably would have disowned you.

  3. This has provided me with some insight as to why my dog has peed on my bed. My husband and I are quite frustrated. When he has peed on the bed we have been at home so I am trying to figure it out but am glad to know its not out of spite. If we both have to be out of the house and use the crate, wont this also traumatize the dog being "penned" in ??

    1. Usually we leave the crate door open and some of our dogs hang out in their crates. When they see we are getting ready to go they go to their crates and we lock the doors. A crate, draped with a towel becomes a "den". Dogs like dens.

    2. Oh, and one other thing. Our dogs are fed in their crates. Crates = food in addition to protection.

    3. My dog goes in her crate at night when she's read to sleep. It's her safe zone.

    4. Crates keep your dog safe from chewing on dangerous things like electrical wires and household cleaners, etc., and crates keep all your valuables safe from being destroyed by your dog. If you can't watch your dog all the time, they either need to be crated or put outside in the back yard.

  4. I just adopted our dog at the end of. March 2012, he is a 1 year old American Eskimo/Corgi. The. Fist time he peed on my bed was just this past. Monday all. I thought was he was mad because earlier that day I started crate training for day time, I left him for 15 minutes when I got close to the door I could hear him crying. Friday night we just got back from his walk and he peed on the bed and earlier I put the musul on so I could brush his hind end so I'm nit sure why he is peeing. I think he knows what he did was bad because the way he looks at you. I was told not to even look at him just clean it up because you don't want to reward bad behavior

  5. I have a 2.5 year old Golden Retriever and over the past few months he has started acting up and then this morning while I was getting ready to leave for work he lifted his leg on my guest room bed. Recently my roommate who has a dog moved out and I have a new boyfriend has been sleeping at my place more and more (in the spot of the bed where he has always slept). After this happened I pulled out his crate, which he hasn't used in at least 8 months, so he did not roam the house while I was at work. Any ideas? Additionalling he has started attacking other dogs (as sweet as can be with humans and dogs he knows, but attacks those he doesnt). Any ideas???

    1. That's crazy! My jack Russell does the same thing.. He is super sweet but attacks other dogs he doesn't know. Specifically males and any sex larger than him. He was about one and half when we adopted him and has had some trauma ( he has one eye) but has improved vastly. He marks all over our house especially on anything new. I really have tried everything except hire a behavioralist

    2. Are your dogs neutered? I've heard many aggression and marking issues can be reduced if not stopped by neutering. It stops the hormone floods that cause them to be territorial.

    3. I read that also but Neutering did not help in our case.

    4. In my case, I adopted a 2 year old red wire haired Dorkie from a very bad situation. As a pup he was left in a small spare bathroom and allowed to live in his own feces and urine, and when they didn't want him anymore (he'd gotten past that cute puppy stage) they gave him to a pair of young kids that crated him for days on end and left him in his own mess. The boy (I refuse to call him a man) was beating him one day while I was in the home working, and I begged the girl to let me take him. She finally gave him and I brought him home.
      Nelson was not house broken or neutered. They beat him for peeing on everything, so he was a little head shy and would pee in places where I couldn't see so I wouldn't yell at him. I got him neutered, but like you said it didn't fix the problem. My saving grace...diapers and belly bands. I bought cheap diapers from the dollar store, and I bought velcro belly bands for small dogs online. Nelson learn with in a few days that peeing in the house is not a good idea, because it caused him to just pee on himself, and the smell stayed out of my carpet. I could use the belly band to hold the diaper on and when it got wet I'd just throw the diaper away. It saved me a million headaches, because my SO was talking about getting rid of him. I would move out before I let that happen because I took him on and he's my responsibility, but this methods saved my relationship and allowed Nelson the freedom to learn to go outside like a normal dog would.

    5. I adopted our neighbors little Pomeranian / Border Collie mix. We love him to death. He's very smart. Walks on the leash perfectly. Enjoys trips to the dog park etc. But for the life of me I can't stop him from peeing on everything. We tried training with the crate. We paid $100's for a behaviorist that recommended the diaper wrap. We have been putting up with this for years. He has ruined every inch of carpet and rug and furniture in our house. We have spent a fortune
      on cleaners and deodorizers I am so sick of the smell I want to puke just watching TV. We are both dedicated animal lovers and have had many rescue pets over the years. So we couldn't ever harm him or
      abandon him

    6. This is for Mark Loehrer. Just like people are individuals and have different personalities-- sometimes personalities we don't like-- so do dogs. We've had dogs our whole lives, and this is the first time we have had a dog that does this-- pees on the bed. All of our other dogs did NOT do this. Just this current dog we have. There is only so much training and behavior modification can do for a dog like this. Sometimes, it seems to be hardwired into their brain, and there is no way to stop them from doing it other than crating them or puting them outside when you can't watch them all the time. The last option is to give them away to a new home, and then try to find a new dog who does not do have this kind of personality.

  6. i have a shiba-inu, i've tried crating him, all he does is whine and yelp....he know's he's not allowed on the bed and will always pee on my bed when i'm out of the room or at work. I've tried banning him from my room while gone but he's too smart and figures out how to get in. I've tried a few of the urine eliminators on the market but he keeps finding his scent and doing it again. Nothing seems to work, he's been doing this off and on since before my seperation. He's going back to my ex's to live permanently now. it seems to be when we fought or after he visits...i know it has to do with it, he's such an emotional dog. I'm buying a new bed when he leaves!

    1. Good idea! All I need is an ex to take the peeing dog out of our bed....

    2. Haha.. sorry the reply was funny! I am at an entire loss as to why mine is doing it. I very rarely leave him alone..but he is picking me side of the bed, which must mean he loves me very much.. grrr!

  7. My daughter gave me an adorable Pug who was rescued from the pound over a year ago. They have an apt and no one wants to walk the Pug many times a day.

    We already have 3 Pugs and a small concrete and gravel yard area, so I thought it would be a piece of cake.

    Well, Casey has peed right in the middle of my couch twice and has soaked my bed three times!!

    I take the dogs out at least 5 times a day. I stand out there with them and she will not go either pee or poop. She lies down and stares at me. I stand out there 10 minutes at a time and she stares me down, then when I'm not looking, she pees a river.

    I crate her at night and she is fine with that. I'm starting to think I'm going to have to crate her during the day also, but hate to do that. My fear is that she'll encourage the other three to start peeing also and my house will be filthy and stinky.

    I even put potting soil down over the gravel and then in another area, thick sand. No go. Help!!!!

    1. This might sound stupid, but sometimes dogs are self concious about you watching them eliminate. I'd leave them outside to do their business and watch from a window where they can't see you easily. Dogs feel vulnerable when they eliminate, and you watching her might be scaring her. I've also heard that soft spongey ground (like grass or dirt) under their paws helps stimulate elimination, so maybe try walking her on grass if you have some nearby. Some dogs are pretty picky about how they do their business. I hope this helps, good luck!

  8. Oooooohhhhh, so that's why!! Thank you help me understand my four month old Chihuahua.

  9. Valerie, I have a delima.. my dogs are allowed to sleep with us at night, they go out and use both 1 and 2 before they come in for the night. However lastnight my Hound/Lab mix slept right next to me all night, she never moves.. When I woke up this morning I noticed a huge yellow pee spot right where she had slept the night before. So, is this considered what is described above, or do you think she has wet dreams and sleeps in it without realizing? She has done this I would say 4 times in the last month, but I've never caught on that she was sleeping in it versus just peeing then moving on. Any advice or theories as to why this is occuring? She was a rescue and is only a year and a half shes been with us for a year. She is such the sweetest. My Willow. C:
    Thank you.

    1. Your dog could have Kidney problems if she's urinating and sleeping in her pee. We had a bassethound that did the same thing and came to find out to late that he had kidney failure.

    2. My 7 yo boxer started to pee in our bed the last 6 months, at least 1x a week despite me taking her out before bed and again in the middle of the night. Then last weekend she started to pee on her dog bed as we are watching TV. It appears somewhat uncontrolable. Any suggestions?

    3. To those of you who are angry and feel like lashing out at their dog in a mean hurtful way, please bring your dog to the humane society. It costs nothing. Don't hurt your pet. Dogs need good training.

  10. my year old lab is a good dog , but scared of every thing she is sweet but sometimes we have to physicaly force her outside because something scared her , we keep a gate at the bottom of the stairs and can never let her upstairs where our bedrooms are because she will jump on the bed and pee right in front of you . I have no idea why. but after reading this is guess its because she is submissive. my son loves her so much and would love for her to sleep in his room even on the floor but we know she cant because we cant trust her. I hope she grows out of this not sure if i should talk to vet about possibly medicating her , when she is left alone she cries. so someone usualy has to sleep on the downstairs on the couch even though she is in her crate she needs to know someone is near by

    1. What if you move her crate into your son's bedroom or upstairs where your bedrooms are. then she will sense you are closer to her.

    2. A lot of this sounds like anxiety. I know you say she cries a lot when you leave her alone, but the best thing you can do for her is just let her cry and get used to being alone. Maybe put on some soft music for her and leave low lights on when you crate her at night, and put her somewhere you can't hear her so you aren't tempted to let her out.

      Eventually, she will understand that being alone isn't as scary as she thought it was. She will probably even start to like having her alone time from time to time once she gets used to it.

    3. My male dog is about 3 1/2 years old. He never did this before. Sometimes when I had to leave him in the house for several hours he would pee on floor. I didn't mind as I understood eventually an animal will have to pee and it was understandable (we're talking about 6-7 hours.)
      Anyway yesterday I had just finished my routine washing of all bedding and then later had to leave him home alone for 6-7 hours again. When I returned I found he had peed on bed. I was shocked because he never did this before. I will be sure to shut door to bedroom or crate him in the future!

  11. Great article, I have been so frustrated with our dog and we rarely let him on our bed, and every time he pees... Understanding the reason makes it allot easier to deal with. He does have his own bed right next to ours and that is where he will sleep. Thank you very much for helping me understand the why of it all. We have a beautiful American Bulldog and now I can get on with enjoying him and not thinking this has been a dominance challenge, or spite.

    1. buy a mattress water prove cover i think my dog does it because i do not let him sleep in the bedroom and when he gets in there he smells me always side i sleep

  12. I have a rescue that I got from someone back in July. He is a sweet dog and very behaved. He is approx a year old. In the last 3 days he has peed on my pillow(s). He is not a small dog so the amount of pee is not small. I had just taken him out in the morning and an hour later I got into the shower and by the time I had gotten out he had peed on my pillow. And he also did it the night before. I do not think he's doing it out of spite but, maybe, after reading what was posted he may be doing just to mark. I will try the Hartz. I want to enjoy my sweet boy but, this "habit" is very frustrating. I did punish him and put him in his crate. Should he not be punished?

    1. You shouldn't punish him for anything unless you catch him in the act. He is going to associate the punishment with whatever he was doing RIGHT before he got punished.

      So, if you catch him in the act, scold him, but don't yell, and then take him outside and show him the proper place to relieve himself. If you don't catch him in the act, unfortunately, it's just a lost opportunity to teach a lesson, and you just need to clean up and let it go.

      You see, if he pees on the bed, then walks across the room and picks up a toy, then you come in and scold him, he's going to think that you are yelling at him for picking up a toy, and you definitely don't want to cause confusion or anxiety for him like that.

    2. I noticed that most of the dogs peeing on people's bed are rescue shelter dogs. Maybe this is why someone surrendered them to shelters in the first place. It makes me not want to get a shelter dog after hearing these stories. Not all dogs do this. Maybe go out and find a better dog. One that doesn't do this. And take this defective one back to the shelter from which it came.

    3. Are you kidding? Defective one? Shame on you

    4. To Anonymous June 1, 2014,
      Do the world a favor and do not get a dog at all. Don't have children either, you might end up with a defective one who wets his/her bed. Geez louise. Your thinking is seriously messed up.

      Here's the flaw in your logic about not getting a shelter dog...if the dog was indeed surrendered for the bed-peeing problem that means that the behavior problem was there BEFORE the dog was ever a rescue/shelter dog. Which means even if you get a dog that's not a rescue/shelter dog, it could just as likely end up a bed-peeing dog. See? Lordy lordy.

  13. My daughters 2 year old male dog does this, mainly on my bed. He has done it twice in the last three days. He sleeps on my bed when she isn't home at night. I think I understand why now. No more sleeping on the bed for him.

  14. I have a four year old female beagle who is almost the perfect dog. She is well behaved, good with people, with other dogs and with cats. She is just lovely. The only problem I have is that she pees in my bed on and off. I had always punished her when she did that, yelled at her and put her in the patio. This article has helped me see that I wasn’t solving anything with that. I’ll try to see the context in which she does this and correct the situation. It seems it happens when I stay up late and she wants to go to sleep in my bead alone, she feels unsafe and so she urinates... Thanks a lot :D

  15. My 4 year old Husky just peed at the foot of our bed where she was asleep. It woke me up when my foot moved into the cold, wet spot. I want to kill her, fuck these explanations, it happens so randomly with her. Always chooses a bed, if she had to go, could have been the floor. I'm about done with her, she's a good dog otherwise, but can't stand washing sheets and scrubbing the mattress anymore.

    1. My dog which is not a human being and can in no way be expected to act like one did something that is perfectly natural for a dog to do. Because I am self centered and my life is about my comfort, I will most likely hurt my dog in my childish anger and frustration, out of ignorance. If people call me out on it I'll insult them. I'm a douchecanoe.

    2. I've always been a firm believer that people should undertake a test as to whether they can have either children or pets, and the above owner of the Husky is the perfect example of why. I had a malamute, and the entire breed are beautiful and intelligent animals, who will with loving training behave well. Take your dog to a vet, and if you can't conjure up some sort of decent humanity in the way you treat her, give her to a better, more understanding and more loving home than the one you are obviously capable of providing.

    3. I can understand the frustration. My pug had gone from bed to bed and peed on them all. Oh and on a brand new bed that had not been slept in. No infection either so what gives?

    4. Wow poor dog I would hate to see what she goes through daily with your atitude

    5. Would you also punish another family member for wetting the bed? I understand that dogs are not people, you have to communicate with dogs in a different way. It sounds like you don't have the skills, or the patience to learn how to communicate with your animal. I hope you found a good home for the dog, because I'm sure it's pretty frustrated too.

    6. Dogs are not people. People sleep in beds, dogs on the floor. People eat in dining rooms, dogs eat out of bowls in a different room. It is not cruel and I am not whinning, I have consistant rules and trained my dog. I don't want dogs were I eat or sleep but my boyfriend did not train his dog and doesn't provide consistant rules. His dog peed in my bed! I am not allowed to be upset because he thinks dogs are people. His next girlfriend is going to be a real bitch :)

    7. I feel your pain. Trust me. It's extremely frustrating. I've been pacing for an hour trying to relax after my dog peed in my bed for the 4 time in 7 days. It's really hard not to get mad. Reading this article helped. Hearing your frustration also helped. (Judgments by others about your anger didn't help at all.)

    8. I agree with the general consensus here. If you can't learn how to deal with your dog properly, and you don't have the patience or understanding to train him, than you need to give him to a more deserving home. Don't punish your dog because you're too thick-headed to learn how to communicate with him.

    9. Don't feel bad, we have to keep the door closed to our bed room or the dog will sneak into the room and pee on the bed, she is overly submissive and protective and pee when someone comes into through the front door or if she is excited. Its actually really annoying but i'm glad we have ceramic tile where the door is so add some odor-ban to the mop water and pass the mop.

    10. You're a nut job with immature emotional problems, mostly likely stemming from your poor self-image. I pray that dog doesn't have to pay for your shortcomings. Although, from the sound of it, the husky is already emotionally traumatized by your insanity.

    11. people are so quick to judge others. instead of offering insults to a fellow human expressing their frustration, why not try a few encouraging words? whomever had this issue obviously cared enough to search for answers. I for one wouldn't be thrilled either to find urine on my bed that way, so all of you judgers out there, tell us how you manage to be so perfect? maybe you can clue in the rest of us and change the world.

    12. Amen! I absolutely love this...Thank you for posting this comment, You actually have some class and an unselfish mind...

  16. If your dog is peeing in her sleep she doesn't have control of it. Probably a medical issue like a uti..but after reading your post I doubt you are the kind of person to take her to the vet..hope u get rid of her..she will be better off.

    1. Seriously ! This person shouldn't have dogs. ...Or cats. ....Or kids.

  17. I think thry know it's wrong...Dogs are not stupid..My dog has been wiyh us 9 months and should know better by now... Tonight he will sleep in his cage...Never again in my bed

    1. They aren't stupid, but they also aren't human beings. They are just following natural instincts without thinking about what they're doing.

  18. I'm really not sure which of these fit my dog. I took her to the vet and she's perfectly healthy so no UTI. She sleeps next to my bed at night. She's my service dog (mobility) and is completely housebroke. She's not very young and there hasn't been any changes in her life recently. In fact, changes in her life can't be the problem as she has been doing this for well over two years now and it only happens once in a while. I can't leave her alone in my room at all for fear she will decide it's time to pee in my bed. She just jumps on my bed pees and jumps off. I wondered if it was a dominate behavior but she doesn't show alpha behavior at any other times and she's not overly submissive either. I'm still pretty confused. I just really have to just keep her out of my room unless I'm with her.

  19. Thank you, this helps A LOT! I couldn't figure out why my dog was doing this.

  20. Hi, my dog has done this a few times as well. Even while we are laying there. Also I had a few questions for you regarding house training. I didn't see where to message you because I'm new to this. HELP LOL

  21. My dog wet my bed twice in the last two weeks I was very angry and could not understand why she would do this to me. I did not witness her doing this so I could not correct the bad behavior so I just put her in her crate until I deorderized the bed and washed my sheets. I love my dog and I enjoy her company and because I crate her while at work I feel bad about doing it at night as well. I am not sure how I am going to prevent this from occuring again sense it just started but what I do know is I hate climbing into a wet bed. So I guess I will have to get over the cruel-ness I feel when it come to putting her in the crate at night because now I feel like I cant trust her when I walk out the door to roam freely until I return. Its not like she is alone because I have 3 kids to entertain and keep her company.

  22. My puppy started by peeing on a big cushion he liked to lie on while still very young. I got rid of the cushion and kept the cover. Now he's peed on my bed twice. I crate him at night and keep a dog gate across my bedroom door during the day.

    The other time he peed was on a futon that I keep in the back room where I keep my computer. He had been trying to get my attention for awhile and when I wouldn't turn around, he jumped on the futon and peed! This doesn't seem to be the same reason he would pee on my bed.

    This dog is 13 months old and I give him a lot of attention. I don't know what else to do! He gets lots of exercise and play time but demands attention from me the majority of the time. What to do - what to do!

    1. Sounds like he peed on your futon out of spite and maybe show that he think he is the boss. Some dogs are more "attention getter" than others and when they don't get your undivided attention they do something to get back at you for ignoring them. Yes dogs does have the mentality that if you ignore them they will do something to get your attention, good or bad.

    2. Sounds like he needed to be let outside for a piss

  23. what are the symptons of a uti in a dog

  24. Thank you I have just read through a lot of sites trying to figure out why my beautiful dog has been doing this and this has been the very first to help and it makes sooo much sense. It's great to know my dog a little better and everything you said was my dog to a tee. We had just punished her because we found a wet spot on the bed and sure enough after making her feel awful for doing it she went straight back and peed again on the bed. We were baffled as to why she would do this right after being punished for doing just that. She is a timid little thing so it all makes sense now thanks again

  25. my 1 year old dog just pee my bed like 15 min ago, i'm trying to housebreaking him because we have a big balcony were he's used to do his bussiness when we are not at home, so its been hard because my fucking stupid parents didnt agree with me in the begining so they would be like "he uses the balcony to pee and poop why should he learn to do it outside in the park?" now seems reaaly hard :'(

    but why in my bed? usually when he doesn hold it he does it in front of the kitchen door that lead to the balcony

  26. Thank you so much for this article. I've stayed overnight at my boyfriends house a couple of times and my dog (2 year old collie rescue) normally does fine. But there have been three times where she's peed on his bed (never mine)but still continues to lay in it. At first I was worried she might have a neurological issue and she didn't know she peed, but this makes more sense. His apartment is a little noisier than mine, and in each instance there could have definitely been something that scared her like a siren, or loud part of a movie. I'll definitely try and get her used to more noises and different experiences to hopefully stop this behavior.

  27. I have 2 miniature greyhounds, Male & Female. My female has wet the bed in her sleep about once a year. The male has urinated on my pillows about once every week. After throwing away countless pillows, I now wrap them in a plastic bag and put about 6 pillow cases over them. I sweat like crazy if I am too close to plastic. It's slightly annoying but better than spending $50/month on pillows. I have my mattress wrapped in plastic with a mattress pad and about 10 sheets on it.
    I'm guessing the male is a "submissive eliminator" because whenever he thinks he is in trouble, he runs away and leaves a trail of urine following him. I always thought he was trying to claim my pillow by urinating on it. When I play with him, he gets really aggressive and sometimes bites me. He runs after dogs much bigger than he is sometimes as well. I don't understand how a dog can be so brave, and the next minute so scared he urinates at the drop of a hat? Is there any way to stop him from being a "submissive eliminator"? I take him out in the morning and he only lets a little bit out. He will continue doing this for about 15-30 mins just letting out a few drops on every bush, tree, mailbox or anything he can find. If I put paper or cardboard down he will uninate on that immediately. Not a really big deal though I would rather he didn't do that either.

  28. i'm glad that i read this, while my young dog was not fully house trained and would have some accidents, when we first got her, she would ALWAYS at least jump off the bed before going to the bathroom. lately she's been doing it every single night. and she knew it was wrong because when i even went near the bed after coming home she would duck her head and run (which she never does) we could not understand at all why she would be doing this.

  29. I hope this works with my 5 month old puppy. He digs around in our bed and then pees, sometimes when I am laying in it... others when I'm brushing my teeth getting ready for bed. It is very frustrating washing the sheets so much. We will not allow him on the bed anymore ...even though I like to snuggle with him before his bedtime when he goes in his crate :(

  30. My 2yr old American Bulldog started doing this over the last month the first time i litterally woke up to her peeing on me and the bed I was furious and put her in her crate even tho she typically sleeps with me last night i let her out of her crate took her out to go potty then went to another part od the house (where shes not allowed) and when i had returned she has urinated all over my pillow. This time I wasnt furious but I was confused shes my princess and I was totally baffled by this occurance while crating her at night is not an option for our family I will look at other mdthods to reassure her into feeling secure.

  31. I've tried all this. My Jack Russell will not urinate outside but lately only in the kitchen. As for the last few months he has decided every time I put my new clean sheets on he urinates on them, he has does this three times now. Every time he has done this he has not been scolded or anything. He simply just urinates on my bed. He is allowed on my bed as he has been for the last year that we have had him.

  32. I recenly hired help at home, and have noticed our bichon has not bonded with the housekeeper. Since she started working here, our dog started peeing on our bed. Never before in 5 years. Is he doing that in response to her, perhaps? It's the only change, and he seems afraid of her.

    1. Perhaps. It sounds like he could be falling into the "trying to mask his scent inside your's" camp. If he is afraid of her, he might feel insecure while she's around, and pees as a result.

  33. My dog just got a hair cut and it was a big change he peed on my bed before and after the haircut and I don't want to not let him on my bed so what should I do

  34. We have 4 rescue dogs - 2 x males and 2 x females. They all sleep in the house. During the day they roam in and out of the house. Lately the one male has taken to peeing on the furniture - seldom in the same spot but it's driving us mad. He does have insecurity issues - if a horse fly stings him he puts his ears down and runs around like a moron looking for a place to hide. Yesterday when he peed on the coffee table I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck to rub his nose in it - he yelped like a big baby. Any ideas on how to get his to stop?

    1. Rubbing his nose in his pee/poo wont help anything at all. You're doing it wrong since he doesn't understand what you're trying to tell him. You'll have to keep an eye on him and once you feel he's goind to pee or IS peeing, you take him outside, then you give him a treat. That's the way to do it. He'll understand much better what you expect of him than having his truffle being flooded by his piss.

  35. My three year old female poodle has started weeing on the bed while we are asleep, yes we used to let both of my "girls" sleep on the bed with us, I had had enough of washing the sheets nearly every day, so no more on the bed for them,BUT she sneaks up in the middle of the night and does it, I am pretty sure that I wont be able to "crate" her as she has this really high pitched cry and would keep everyone awake all night

  36. I have a 6 month old Lab puppy whom I love dearly we are in the thick of crate training. Even before the crate training she would go on the floor here recently she goes on the bed it sits on the ground she is on it quite frenquently so it is part of her normal living space. She has started letting me know that she needs to go by going to the door but why would she go on the bed while both me and my husband our in it awake playing with her? I am not sure how to correct it since we are not even noticing she is doing it till its to late.

  37. Why does my dog pee on the floor while my boyfriend and I have sex? We have been together for 5 years and she is only 1 year old. We have a male who just lays in the corner and doesn't move or make a sound. She aldo tries to stick her nose in literally in very unwanted places during thus time as well. ..any ideas when she might be doing be doing this?

  38. Thank you for this information...every other article I read only pointed out health issues. My fully-trained 10-yo just started peeing on my bed after we adopted a new puppy. I know it isn't a health-related issue despite her age, because she does not urinate in the house at all if we are home, or I close her out of my bedroom. I couldn't stand to start crating at 10 years old, so now I just make sure my bedroom door is closed when I am not home, easy fix... though I was still curious as to reasoning. Now, I have to figure out how to train my puppy, as she gets frustrated at closed doors and becomes destructive.

  39. My dogs a cross staffie lab and he's peed on my bed ,my fella is so soft with him doesn't like putting him in a cage and lets him roam , i don't i don't like him being on the bed and he goes in his cage when at work .said to my fella if he carry on ill get rid is this wrong of me plz help can't cope

  40. We recently moved house and our six month old jack Russell has started urinating on the bed. In the week that we've lived here, she has gone on the bed four times! We have tried not allowing her in the room but she screams and cries for hours. We live next to young children and can't have the dog screaming at all hours of the night. As I'm typing this, I remembered that she also did this when we first adopted her, so it definitely is a behavioural thing. She seemed to grow out of it last time so, hopefully, with direction the same will happen this time. Thank you for the article, it definitely helped!

  41. We have a recently adopted mini Aussie who pees on the dog bed and the couch, but her most favorite place to pee is on our bed. She's ~1 year old, no UTI, other than peeing on things, seems potty trained. She has also pooped a few times on the dog bed. I was washing the sheets and comforter nearly every other day, now I keep her crated while we aren't home (that is, if I can get her in the crate without attacking me) and she pees in the crate too!

  42. I'm not sure either of these fits my dog. She's an 8 year old St. Bernard/Pyrenese. In the last week it appears she has peed on my bed twice. The only difference in this last week is that we've started giving her glucosamine/condroitin for her bad hips.

    We had a couple of other issues. SHe had a pillow she slept on which was ruined (though some of the peeing could just as easily be from our lab/chow trying to assert dominance) and now sleeps on a blanket pile which is rarely soiled. THis could have been caused by A) me moving back home with all my possessions smelling of my roommate's cats or B) my mom's acquisition of 2 new poodle puppies, who honestly she seems to want nothing to do with and I actively try and keep them out of my and, subsequently, her room.

    It makes little sense that, all of a sudden, she'd want on my bed specifically to pee at this age, when the factors that might spur it are so old, with bad hips.

  43. Thanks for this. I've been having this problem with my Pug lately. He's just over a year old, so he falls right into the age group you're talking about here. I hate not letting him on the bed, mostly because I love having him sleep with me at night, so I'm going to try getting some Hartz and washing the sheets twice a week to see if that helps. If not, well, he'll just have to lose his bed privileges for a while.

  44. Arghhhhh! I am so freaking mad I could scream!!!! But, after changing the sheets & mattress protector i am way too tired to scream. And, thank god I have a mattress protector & it doesn't allow moisture to wet the mattress or in this case PISS my dog eliminated on my side on the bed! I am glad I am not alone in this. I found some comfort reading all the info. And the replies from everyone too. Btw, people venting here is better then them beating their dogs or worse! In over 10 years I can honestly say my bed has been pee'd on maybe 10 times ever. And I can't find a real reason for it or a pattern for that matter. Today it has been rainy & so I took my dogs out a bit less than normal. However it doesn't have to rain to find that my beds wet as I climb into it. It truly is so frustrating & I don't give a damn who says I am nuts for being mad. I can't believe for 1 second anyone's happy that their dogs pissed on their bed? Also, this is gross my step sister told me once that she pissed on her dogs bed after she discovered her bed wet. At 1st I laughed then I was like WTF? That's messed up. I do not recommend anyone doing this. As I don't see how the dog would learn from that? If anything that would make ya nuts in my opinion. Now, to set the record straight if I had caught my dog in the act I so would of punished my dog. 1st by yelling, then making the dog smell it then taking the dog outside to say you pee here in the yard & not on my bed. We both would have had a time out after that. I don't believe anyone should ever touch an animal with force or harm. I love my dogs & would only want to correct the behavior as in the way I described. Although I don't feel my methods have worked as I caught my dog once in 10yrs & again tonight.. We usually keep our bedroom door closed however, I did notice someone forgot to close it tonight & I thought please let there NOT be pee on my bed. And well as ya know there was... Sheets & mattress pad are in the wash. For those who don't have the pad buy one or two pronto tonto so should this happen again its not the end of the world. Ok I am done venting & sharing.

  45. I have a puppy who is nearly 6 months. She was doing so good and no accidents, until my sisters dog came and stayed overnight. My dog was away drone home while my sisters dog was there. They had never met, but I brought my dog home and they seemed to size each other up (both females) and do ok for the 30 minutes they were together. Then, within an hour of my sister and her dog leaving my dog peed on the carpet. I barely got it cleaned up and she did it again. That was Sunday. Today, Wednesday, she did it again. I had just left her in the house by herself for no more than a minute. Could it be the scent of my sisters dog or was she would afraid of being left. I've left her alone in a small bathroom twice for no more than 3-4 hous. No problem. No pee, and no poop. Just not sure how to approach this.

  46. Ok this help but my problem is not my bed is my kids beds or my sister bed also!!! Very frustrating! They can't ever leave their doors opened because immediately he will wait for the right time to do his business. It's imposible to remember to ALWAYS leave the doors closed. So please help. It's not sanitary for my kids n really annoying for my sister. :(

  47. Someone please help me. I love my little guy! I've been trying to potty train him, indoors. I made the pottty corner. I watch him and take him there every time I think he needs to go. I play with him, feed him on a schedule. But he darts away so quick just to go and pee on top of the couch! I'm at my wits end.

  48. My dog pees drop by drop on me and my other family members or someone he know when he meets them after a period of time.why is it so?

  49. We've had our 1 yr old puppy for 6 months. She's definitely a piddler and pees when excited, but a small amount. The last two weeks, she has started randomly peeing on beds. She goes out in the morning and has been potty trained for the last 5months. No real issues until all of a sudden. Today I went downstairs for breakfast and left my bedroom door open. In the time it took for me to eat my cereal, she came up to the bedroom and peed on the bed. This is now the 3rd bedroom she's peed in and this is a huge house. I mean, I watched her intentionally go upstairs to do this. The whole house smells like us since we live here and there's someone home constantly and she's rarely alone. Nothing has changed in the last couple of weeks in routines or anything. To us, there's no explanation for the sudden onset and continued occurrences. =( Suggestions?

  50. We have a 3-year old lab mix who recently started to raise his leg on the coffee table and pee on the bed. The mattress pad with plastic is a lifesaver. The first time he peed on the bed, he and my Aussie ran upstairs and started rough-housing on the bed. Before I could stop them, one of them peed. My husband blamed the Aussie, but I think he was asserting his dominance this time. Two days ago I saw him start to lift his leg on a corner of the bed. Yes, I yelled at him loudly and he stopped immediately, too bad a little too late. I've read all of the comments about not scolding. My thoughts are that if you catch them in the act, yes, yell. I'd hope that he associated his peeing on the bed with me yelling and would want to avoid both. He also humps my female when they play (they are neutered/spayed), so it leads me to believe he's just asserting himself.

  51. Our puppy is 15 weeks old. she has tinkled 2 times on our bed. She is fully potty and pad trained. Both times I put her on the bed and then left her for a minute to go tinkle myself. The 2 incidents also followed a night that she slept on the couch with my sister. She is not caged and I refuse to put her in a cage. It's cruel plain and simple. She has my sister there all day so someone is with her 24/7 except when we go out together, which she seems to do fine. I am thinking I will walk her before bedtime and not leave her when I go pee.

  52. Well I have this problem... Dog peed on my bed second time now, first on the top now just on the side but went to guest room and peed there on the bed again, done it lots of times in there before cs found Lots of yellow stains.... We leave the door opened for him so he can go out while we re at work.... I have nothing to look forwaRd to when I'm coming home from work just to look for piss in the house... It's always on few places and I'm sick and tired of it cs he is 3 years old... So pls dnt judge me if not loving him as much as I used to... I dnt give him much attention after that cs I dnt want him to think I'm rewarding what he did.... Male yorkie by the way..... I am sick and tired of it.... If its not upstairs when I do remember to close the door it's downstairs sometimes on my child's toys.... That really gets me.... Help?

  53. I wonder if u have any advice for me, I have a 7 yr old staffy and every bed or blanket we give her she always wees on it, moves it around so we can't see it then lays in it. Also when we go out we have to shut all the doors but she always breaks into my sons room and wees on his bed and blanket and then in the last 2 days she has weed on the sofa when we have been in the house but in a different room. We are at our wits end and not sure what to do? She knows she's been caught out when we say why is the bed wet and straight away she gives the guilty look. There's only so many times we can wash and buy new bedding/beds etc please help!!!

  54. My 5 yr old female boxer who thinks she has to go with me everywhere I go did this for the first time ever tonight. My bedroom door was shut, she let herself in. And she didn't stop at peeing! Oh no... Lil' Miss Overachiever went all out to make sure I knew she had been there. Big ol' nasty pile of poop dead center in my bed. I can not take her with me everywhere I go. I can't crate her because she goes nuts and hurts herself. Feeling out of options.

  55. i have a rescue dog . Iv rehomed a staff bitch. Shes 4 yrs old now. Iv had her for 2 yrs. She had a bad upbringing being rehomed about 10 times. Poor thing didnt know if she was coming or going. But iv had this same problem with her, she constantly wees on my bed or sofa. And i have struggled to understand why. But she is over submissive little thing. And after reading through this article and your comments i might be able to deal with it better. Thankyou.

  56. i have a staffy, she is 2 years old , i have had her a year and she had 4 onwers in the first year of her life.
    in the last 3 months she has pissed in my bed twice. she has only started doing it since i moved home.

    i get the pissy quilt and hold it under her nose and speak harshly to her " whats this , go and piss on the kitchen floor , not my bed.
    im guessing an insecurity but other than by shutting her out when im not there i dont know how to deal with it.

    before anyone tells me im a shit owner etc , you should consider that i rescued her and paid out to have her brought from middlesborough down to devon.
    i take her with me on the train and in the car and almost everywhere i go .
    she is baby, i love her so much but i cant deal with this pissing on my bed.
    also she chews up her own bed now , which is a new thing but she doesnt use it anyway cos she sleeps next to me in my bed normally.
    i thinking of not alloowing this anymore and getting her to sleep in the kitchen instead.

  57. My 4 year old border terrier has just started peeing on my 13 year old daughters clothes and bedding. He has only done this twice but am stumped as why he has started now. It was in two different rooms as well. Any ideas?

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. to be honest with every pee will result in a smack and being put outside. Cats bringing me dead birds is also a present hey? absolute crap. enjoy rolling around in your urine soaked beds.

    1. LOL!!! I think some ppl confuse the master / pet relationship. They are not human, and it's not selfish to expect a dry bed to sleep in. I laugh at all the overly sensitive ppl here, maybe we should put them in a crate to shelter them from the big bad cruel world. ; p

  60. So I thought I would share this as my pup has done this same thing, but here is what I found and a friend of mine's dog did exactly the same thing. On my bed, I have a big fluffy comforter. When my comforter is on the bed, she must feel like it is soft squishy grass and its ok to pee the bed. When I only have blankets on my bed, regular blankets, never pees the bed. My friends dog did the same thing with her squishy mattress topper on her bed. She took it off, and voila, no more peeing the bed. Odd, but for those of you at your wits end, I recommend it. It gave me back my sanity to take the comforter off my bed. :)

  61. Now I feel guilty for spanking my little tired of him peeing on the bed and running out of fresh linen...he is in the crate while I write this, but I'm not sure he understands why he is in there.

  62. I have an 9month old mixed breed (minipin, shihtzu, yorkie) she finally seems to be housebroken. The problem is she still randomly pees in our bed. The majority of the time we are lying in bed watching a movie or playing with her, she'll just stop and pee.Usually at the foot of our bed. She doesn't seem to have any sort of pattern in doing this. Today she did it again after my bf left for work. I was still laying in bed and felt her at the end of the bed trying to cover it up. Im at my wits end. I don't understand why she keeps doing this. Sonetimes its a few times a week other times she goes a while without doing it. This is a brand new mattress and already shes gone on it 4 times in different spots!

    1. I forgot to mention she sleeps with us every night and we put her in her crate while we are at work because she acts out when left alone and digs and tears things up. Help please! I'm 9 months pregnant and will gave to deal with changing diapers and cleaning after a baby soon. I hope I can resolve this issue soon....

  63. I have a 6 year old beagle. She has been house trained since she was little. She has been waking me up like she has to go outside. When I come downs stairs to let her out, she has already gone, ON MY FLOOR! She sleeps with me and use to wake me up when she needed to go outside. Now she wakes me after she already went. HELP!

  64. My puppy Haley is 20 weeks old and she just peed on my new bedding after I had just taken her outside to pee. What would make she do that?

  65. I have a 1 year old pomeranian. Hes house trained and very loveable to everyone and everything!! Hes very attached to me and if i leave for more then a half hour he freaks out and when i come home hes jumping all over the place and on my lap licking me and shaking and whining. Im pretty sure he has anxiety. Hes been doing it since i basically got him and he was 7 weeks almost 8 whwn i got him. Well this past summer i adopted a kitten. He lovess him. They cuddle and play. But ever since i brought the kitten home he seems to like to pee on my bed. And he only does it when im not in there or when im gone. Now its just MY bed. No one elses. I dont quite understand why. Could it be cause he has anxiety and my bed smells like me? Or could it be because he feels like im his and he feela kinda threatened by the kitten? Or something completly else?

  66. My 7 year old dog peed in my bed this morning. This is the second time he has done this in the past 2 months. I'm not sure why??

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  67. I have a five year old jack russel mix who recently started doinging this. He pees only on my side of the bed not my husbands and once he even dis it on me. I was sleeping and woke up to wet pillows and hair. He did that when i first got my puppy but that was months ago and then tonight he did it yet again. Nothing changed but the puppy coming in and since then i dont know what could have set this off tonight. The puppy and i have been working on house trainging. Could this be a reaction to me scolding the puppy or him feeling like he isnt getting enough attention? I do have to say this article shed some light on the situation I had just assumed he was trying to mark

  68. My 15 month old bichon keeps doing this. Its really frustrating. I have a two year old bichon who has never done this. Ive tried ignoring the behaviour but it continues. Tonight she peed on the bed whilst I was in the bath. Shes not asubmissive dog and she is well loved. She is rarely left alone. I have made the decision this evening to leave both dogs out of the bedroon but feel bad on my two year old dog. Any suggestions?

  69. My shitzu x jack russel does it a lot.. it has helped me understand, she is crate trained but no matter what I do she still does it on my bed.. she does it while im watching and when im not so im still a bit unsure. She usually sleeps on my bed, should I stop that? It has also happened a lot more recently as my boyfriend has been staying over could this be why?

  70. We have a six month old lab puppy who pees on the sofa but only if I'm outside for a while. We leave her in the crate if we ar gonna leave tbe house for a while but not of we r just gonna be outside. She will then just pee in thespots on the sofa that we sit in. I am tthinking its seperation issues or that we left her alone.. we have two other dogs. They all get a long great. Like I said she only does it if we r outside on the property and leave her out of the crate. And only on the sofa. Is this the whole being left alone thing??

  71. who will believe that a spell will being back six years divorce, it all happen when i was about to give birth to my first child, when my husband left me because of another girl, then i think the world has come to an end because he was always mad at me, even when i called, and i don't want to bring up a child without a father, i did all I could but there was no hope, the more i try the more everything get complicating i was so confuse, one day i went through the internet i saw a testimony writing by someone how DR RAMAN help him get his ex back i follow up, after the spell casting my husband came back begging for forgiveness today we have three more children, to me we are the best couple in town, please if you need his help contact him with his email, thank you DR RAMAN for your good work GOD will bless you for me.

  72. I'm having a difficult time with a recently adopted husky mix that is 1yr old and his persistent gotta play rough and hard at every possible moment switch with my not so innocent 8 yr old purebred siberian husky. Most of the time this puppy tries to get my Mojo (8yrold) to engage him in his playtime fight club but Mojo for the majority of the time really was just enjoying a nap chasing a dreamy squirrel when this puppy(Remi) plows into his back leg or neck fluff mid dream expecting Mojo to join in his fight club. We have adopted this puppy who was on his second trip back to the local humane society for the reason stated that he was destructive in the home. As I said earlier Mojo seemed to be a good match for Remi for the first few weeks but now he is playing the I am not in the mood victim so we tried to redirect the constant ruff play with bones toys etc. Then verbal No and reinforced positive play on Remi but then Mojo decides to instigate an episode of fight club with Remi but turns into the biggest wuss when Remi responds. My question is do we keep intervening or let them duke it out?

  73. my ex-boyfriend dumped me 8 months ago after I caught him of having an affair with someone else and insulting him. I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me. I was so confuse and don’t know what to do, so I visited the INTERNET for help and I saw a testimony on how a spell caster help them to get their ex back so I contact the spell caster and explain my problems to him….. he cast a spell for me and assure me of 3 days that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my peter came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to get married. Once again thank you Dr Trust spell, you are truly talented and gifted contact his email: ULTIMATESPELLCAST@GMAIL.COM

    1. Maybe all of you spell-cast people should learn to discern where your posts belong. Try posting to a magic, wican, witch craft, voo-doo blog. No one on this site is overly concerned that you need to hire a spell-caster to keep your man. Get with the program and stay on topic - DOGS URINATING WHERE THEY SHOULD'T - or take your advertisments elsewhere.

  74. My dog is paper trained and very good with it.Recently he will try and pee on the clean sheets ...the nice out of the dryer good smelling ones I put on the bed.I want him to sleep in the bed with me but now I cant put the blanket on the bed because he will dig at it and try to wee on it.Also he has been tearing apart the couch cushions and trying to do the doggie nasty on my arms and legs...and he is can I get my cuddly baby back?

    1. Maybe you should contact Dr Abobo. He is a very powerful magician and can reputedly cast a spell to stop your puppy from pissing on clean sheets. Within 7 days your puppy will come back begging to be let back on the bed and promise never to do unsavoury business ever again. 110% guaranteed

  75. Hello, I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is genuine and real. I never really believed in any of these things but when I was losing Garvin, I needed help and somewhere to turn badly. I found consultant. trust spells and i ordered a LOVE SPELL. within the next 24 hours, my phone rang. Garvin was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only come back, the spell caster opened him up to know how much I loved and needed him. Spell Casting isn't brainwashing, but they opened his eyes to know how much we have to share love together. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try it. It will bring you a wonderful surprises as well as your lover back to you. The way things were meant to be." you can contact the spell caster on or

  76. My mix puppy poodle /lab peed on our bed for the first front of us..i put her back in her park the place she was originally sleeping.we have had her only for 10 days.she is 2,5 months.what should i do? I am trying to make her potty in the balcony .

  77. Hello, I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is genuine and real. I never really believed in any of these things but when I was losing Garvin, I needed help and somewhere to turn badly. I found consultant. trust spells and i ordered a LOVE SPELL. within the next 24 hours, my phone rang. Garvin was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only come back, the spell caster opened him up to know how much I loved and needed him. Spell Casting isn't brainwashing, but they opened his eyes to know how much we have to share love together. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try it. It will bring you a wonderful surprises as well as your lover back to you. The way things were meant to be." you can contact the spell caster on or

    1. All you jilted women need to find the right forum for your sad sob story lives about losing your men. Stick to the forum topic, and get a real life.

  78. I have had my baby Kora for about a year now. She is an American pit bull and vizsla mix. She is almost 2 years old now and I have had to deal with this peeing in the bed thing quite a few times now. But she doesn't do it regularly its always out of the blue. We are very close and she goes every where with me but she also does fine being alone if necessary. Any time she feels scared or threatened she always runs to me to protect her so after the first couple times over the first few months I had her I looked into this before and understood why she did it. So I did what it said and stopped letting her on the bed and got her a huge comfy dog bed of her own that stays right next to my bed. I used the odor eliminators and wash my sheets more often and everything. And that seemed to work but every time I feel like its no longer and issue a few months go by and she does it again. I'm always home when she does it and its at random times. This last time she was sleeping on her bed in the middle of the night and I walked in the other room for maybe 2 minutes and came back and found the pee spot and her back on her bed laying down. How do I make this habit go away completely?

  79. My name is ana i
    was in a relationship for 3yrs with a boy i believed
    loved me more than anything in thing in the world
    after a while i noticed some changes in the things
    that he does, he started nagging
    about them so i knew some thing was wrong i tried
    to please him in several was but yet no
    outcome. shortly i noticed he was seeing another girl
    i tried to make him understand that i loved him so
    much but he wouldn't even listen. one day i read a
    testimony on a similar case a person testifying of
    the work of this great Dr okojie and even when i did not
    believe i was convinced by my friend so i contacted
    him and tried his method reluctantly surprisingly in
    less than one week my lover contacted me and till
    date we are still together happily married with a baby boy. Am so grateful to Dr okojie he is specialiesed in solving of other problems including the following:
    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) If you need financial assistance.
    (7) If you want the cure of HIV AIDS
    contact him now for immediate solution of your
    problems on
    Thank you

    1. Can Dr okoji help to stop my puppy from pissing on the bed. That is the main reason my boyfriend left me. I love my puppy but these incessant bedwettings ruined a beautiful relationship. Is this good doctor such a powerful animal trainer. Curing HIV is one thing. But piss on the bed is quite another. I have tried sacrificing chickens and reading their entrails for an answer but the puppy keeps digging up the chickens and bringing them into the house. Now I have two problems. Can anyone help?

    2. To Anonymous about the puppy that digs up the chickens – I love your sense of humor. Way to redirect these jokers back onto the forum topic. I hope you get help with your puppy wetting the bed.

      As for Ana, get a life, and don't load this forum up with your phony ads for magic cures for love sick idiots.

  80. I want to tell you about great Dr Dopiddles. After my husband kick me out for peeing on the bed I hear about great magic spellcaster of America fame. So after he teach me to make pet poodle do big numbers on husbands clothing. Now its very big potty time all the time. My husband is so happy with me and the pets can stay in the bed again. I am so happy!! Thank you Doctor

  81. My little one, (a Westie) I have had him sense he was six weeks old, (his four years now) he had never done this before, he peed on my bed tow times in two weeks, but I got to the bottom of it, I did not pay to much attention to him, but he would let me know he had to go and I just ignored him; and he did it on Mondays the two times, because I have to work, and second he had a little infection; got rid of the infection, wore a old T-shirt for 3 days, put it next to his bed, hasn't done it any more, the only thing to do is just pay a little more attention to what your dogs what's to tell you.

  82. Hello how are you everyone I want tell you some special about dog training. For successful training, practice the following basic training steps with your puppy every day. Keep training sessions short. Your puppy will see everything as a game, so keep him stimulated by changing what he's learning. Do each command for about five minutes and come back to it whenever you can. Practice the commands in lots of different places — in the living room, garden, hall or kitchen, even out on walks — so that he gets used to responding to you in all sorts of situations. You can use the click technique to help with other aspects of your puppy's training, such as encouraging him to stand still for grooming and getting him used to traveling by car. Your puppy will learn very quickly and respond to love and affection as well as rewards. Obedience training will help build a lasting bond between the two of you and you'll be rewarded with a happy, well-trained dog. Giving in to your puppy's every need is not a good thing. As your puppy grows, so will his need to assert himself. Puppies often choose mealtimes as a battleground. But giving in to him is a mistake. You need to make sure he knows that you won't respond to his every demand. Your puppy needs to learn that people around him, particularly small children, can be a bit unpredictable. But he needs to accept that their unpredictable behavior is not threatening. You can help him do this by imitating a child's behavior. Try stepping quickly towards his bowl — then drop in a treat. Gently bump into him, while he's eating, or roll toys nearby — anything to cause a distraction, but drop a treat in the bowl to reward him for continuing to eat calmly. Do this every so often, but not at every meal. If your puppy freezes mid-mouthful, growls or glares at you, stop and try again another time. If this continues, it's best to seek advice from a veterinary behaviorist or certified dog trainer.
    Check this out

  83. I think somewhere the subject of the article was lost big time. I have trained dogs and have been very sucessful, but this is still one that has me confussed. I have several rescue dogs and they are doing great except one or more are still peeing on the floor in different areas, peeing on the bed, on and off not steady, peeing in one of the pet beds and now on the couch. I'm thankful it is not everyday, but it is alot. I have never sit on this couch or use their beds so the part about my smell just doesn't work for me somehow. Each of these dogs now have great self esteem and I have work with each of them to help them over come any fears. I have never lost my temper with them and that has been hard when I have been sleeping with a tarp under the bedding to protect the matress for the last four years. It is hard to catch who is doing it because I have more than one. So I have to look at everyone as the naughty one, I can only guess. I have tried everything, locking them up or out serves no purpose because I could turn my back for a minute or go to the bathroom, do and thing and come back and thats all it take. That quick, I can't be on top of them 24/7 every second and that is all it takes. You can't even do it with one, so unless you are going to lock them away you have to live with it and keep things as clean as you can. Still you can't get angry because it will do no one any good neither you or your furr baby, but I think for anyone to try to understand why they do this will just make it worse on the person or persons. All dogs are different there is no one right anwser. We like to try and say dogs are like this or that because......, we never get the words from the dogs mouth. LOL. Personally I'm not sure I want to hear from my dog or dogs why they do it, I just hope someday it will stop.

  84. my little rescue started peeing on our bed after 8 months. It was the weirdest thing. We didnt know what to do. We stopped allowing her on the bed but that was difficult for everyone because we all love her and she loved to be with us. Once she even did it while i was sitting on the bed with her. i had to buy a matress protector form the medical supply store because we couldnt take it anymore. She only did it a number of times and one day she just stopped and never did it again. Thank goodness because that behavior was quit stressful.

  85. Ok our dog is about 4.5 months old and will stand up from sleeping look at you and pee on the bed any ideas on this ?

    1. My 8 month old puppy used to to this and I took it as a sign that she needed to go out to urinate. She was very good at letting me know she needed to go out. That may be what your puppy is trying to do. If it wakes up and stands there looking at you, try to take it outside quickly to urinate. This will hopefully reinforce a positive behavior to urinate outside. That is not a guarantee though. As I said my baby girl WAS very good at letting me know if she needed to go in the middle of the night. Lately she has been going in the bed in her sleep, so I will be taking her to the vet to see what might be going on. Best of luck.

  86. Does anyone here have any clue as to why these women are chatting about their lovers? This is a Q and A for people having problems with their dogs urinating in inapropriate places. My 8 month old Blue Heeler mix started doing this in the last week. I am at a cross-road with my own feelings about this. She has been in training as a guide dog for me since she was 10 weeks old. Unfortunately she has developed a few self-control behavior issues and we are now back-tracking with the trainer. I worry she may have a UTI, but I also worry that the change in her training routine may be a factor. She no longer travels with me everywhere because she needs to gain more self control (barking, pulling, jumping, etc.). I think she may have a combination of several of the "possibilities" listed here and that may be why she is urinating in the bed at night in her sleep. I know she will be off to the vet to rule out any illness issues, and the dog trainer will be notified of this new issue so we can all work on it together. Best of luck to all of you that are dealing with similar problems.

  87. Yeah, YOU should contact Mr. Adodo, Joy, because you are obviously a DODO.

  88. I'm living with my dad right now and I adopted a 3 year old chihuahua. 6 weeks ago she had a third litter of puppies. about 2 weeks before she delivered she started peeing on my bed, I wouldnt punish her because she was pregnant. now the puppy (the only one of three that survived) is 6 weeks old and shes continued doing this. I dont want to crate the puppy as she is already pad trained and I dont know what to do. Ive gone as far as getting a new bed and this hasnt solved the problem. any suggestions?

  89. Now that I think further into it, my american bulldog puppy (12 weeks) has peed on the bed everytime he has nipped my two year old boy while I wasn't around. My kid comes crying to me in the laundry room with a bite mark on his foot and then I find the dog on the bed. And behind him there's a pee spot. I WAS spanking the dog and making a "ssshh" sound if i was there to witness a nip so that he'd associate the sound with a spank and then I could just make the sound without spanking afterward. But he seems very obstinate and tries to challenge me at times by barking back at me and I'd make him lay down. I read up on getting puppies to stop nipping kids. So I stopped spanking bc I read that spanks could make him think that any fast movements of hands could be a spank. And I started giving him "timeouts" in his crate instead. He's probably still afraid I'm going to spank him. But oddly he pees on the boy's fuzzy blankets. Probably sees me protecting the boy figures the boys scent is a good cover lol. Any thoughts on what to do about the nipping though? I try to watch him with my kids at all times. But sometimes if he's sleeping I'll just walk off and do a load of laundry and a nip happens. I know he thinks they are littermates and hasn't learned from other puppies yet about how to not bite hard yet. I'm waiting on the local obedience classes to start up next month! Can't wait on the nipping I feel like I'm trying everything and confusing the poor pup lol

  90. my poor dog, i woke up one morning to a wet spot and i looked at him angrily, i stood up up and started yelling as he crawled under my pillow to hide. I could see him shaking just from being afraid and i thought, aww i cant be mad at him, it was my fault for not bringing him out to his spot the night before. so i pat him on the head and put him outside.

  91. Well my dog is 7 and I don't understand why he is doing this at all. he is house broken, he is used to being at home during the day without anyone there. He doesn't do it all the time, but out of nowhere he just randomly does it again. I honeslty do not get it. I makes me crazy, that is so disgusting. Maybe i need to go back to putting him in a crate.

  92. my dog is a lhasa poo. She is 2 years old, I love her but wow. I wish the pissing would stop. She always pees on my child's bed and now today she poops!! Last time she puked all over it and I caught her trying to cover it up. Thanks for explaining why she does this but I just wish she would cut it out already. It's frustrating. I might have to give her away if she doesn't stop. I bought a crate and now she does it in there too.

  93. I have a 5 month old Dachshund/Yorkie mix. Why does he think it's okay to pee on the couch? He has potty pads that he uses regularly. So why does he pee on the couch sometimes? We went almost a month with him not peeing on the couch, then he did it again. It was raining outside, so he ran out and saw the rain and ran back inside and ran straight to the couch and started peeing when there are several potty pads around the house to use. I just don't understand why he chooses the couch when there are other options that he uses regularly. He also lays on the couch all the time, I thought dogs don't like to pee where they lay, well apparently he does.

    I think he is also a submissive eliminator. He pees when my husband bends down to pet him, he pees when we want to pick him up, he pees when we push his little butt into his crate.

  94. Hi,

    First of all thanks a lot for sharing this it was really helpful. I would like to share with you my lab's story. He is quite well trained with basics and use to usually go and use washroom for his deals whenever he is at home and has eventually grown up and learned to take his deal outside. But since few days we he has got into this habit of secretly (when not paid attention) going to bedroom and peeing on our beds. how can i make him realize that what he is doing is upsetting and not right or basically correct is actions. What could possibly the reason when is well trained and aware of the fact that where he has to do what.

    Please guide

  95. Our maltese shitsu has a pee pet park and uses it at night locked in the laundry with a baby gate she suffers with separation anxiety and flips inside out when we go out and cone home she has only peed 4 times in 13 months in front of my sons room when other people come over but we adopted her at 11 minths mattered and ear infections we have spoilt her a bit but last night she peed on my doona and quilt and its not stopped raining and tonight she snuck in my room and pooed on it now shes licked in the laundry never to come in the house again she only went out half hour before . She has always gone with us everywhere but hates staying home alone what am i supposed to do about it she knows the pet parks in the laundry and we let her out why cant she get it

  96. My Ex-Husband dumped me two weeks ago after because i accused him of seeing someone else and insulting him. I want him back in my life but he refused to have any contact with me, i was so confused and i didn't know what to do, so i had to go to the internet for help and i saw a testimony of how a spell caster helped people to get their ex back so i contacted the spell caster and explained my problem to him and he did a love spell for me and assured me that after 3days, my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my ex came knocking at my door begging for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to get married. Once again thank you Esango Priest, You are truly a great man. He can be of great help and I will not stop publishing him on the internet because he is a wonderful man, you can reach him via

  97. Truthfully, i was tested hiv + positive last 7 months. i keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strenghtful, i tried all i can too make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life, this is what i caused myself, for allowing my fiance make sex to me unsecurely without protection, although i never knew he is hiv positive. so last few 4days i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this powerful herb healer get her well and healed. so as a patient i knew this will took my life 1 day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. so i copied out the dr zack balo the traditional healer’s email id: and i mailed him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his temple home wereby all what i seek for are granted. i was please at that time. and i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. i was very happy as heard that from him. so yesterday, as i was just coming from my friends house, dr zack balo called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now hiv negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so i quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called James lewis that i am now hiv negative. i jump up at him with the test note, he ask me how does it happen and i recide to him all i went through with dr zack balo i am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healings, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. so i will advice you to contact him today for your healing at the above details: email contact him now to save your life he is so powerful and helpful to all that have this sickness OR +2348078927387.

    1. Who knows if your lying.You can be a non attorney spokes person to a doctor.

  98. Thank you so much - I was pretty furious at my dog for peeing on my bed in my spot. I thought she was jealous of wifey and I making out. But I see she was just feeling vulnerable and was looking to feel safe when I'm gone. I guess that's kind of a complement, albeit a messy one.

  99. my dog has never been on my bed and he knows it is off limits but recently my girlfriend has been staying over and he has been acting up. i usually leave him in my room and he behaves but now he has been on my bed and has peed twice already. granted i have been neglecting him a bit more since things have come up and i'm unable to spend our regular time with him. now it is becoming stressful and a lot of sheets to wash. how can i stop him from getting on my bed and peeing?

    1. Your dog sounds similar to mine, although he seems to be jealous of my niece and nephew.. or just intent on marking over their scent.. Not sure which is the reason or what to do moving forward.

  100. I rescued my dog 9 months ago and he is a lovely cocker spaniel mix, but we just moved into a new home 8 weeks ago and twice he has peed on my bed (not on my side while I have left him home alone and forgotten to close the bedroom door). I am so frustrated by this and at my wits end. If I am home - he NEVER pees in the home. He is very clingy and follows me everywhere - bathroom, downstairs, kitchen etc if I move he moves. I rarely leave him alone (he goes to doggy day care and loves it). Thank you for this site.

  101. Thank-you! We just adopted a French Bulldog 3 weeks ago and had her spayed, she had an infection from her spay which developed into a bladder infection. We took her to the vet and she's on antibiotics and we noticed she stopped having accidents, but now and again she pees on our bed.. on my side.. I wasn't too happy thinking she did this out of spite as I spoil her and she's so much happier being out of the mill she came from in a barn. It does make sense about feeling safe, as she is definitely safe here and a spoiled couch Potato... Thank you again!


    I saw him while walking my dog and fell in love with him instantly. I loved him since always He loved me back. We are a very good looking couple and everybody comment good about us , We share so much and he makes me laugh a lot. It all happened fast and We started living together 2 weeks after meeting and 6 months later we moved to Europe together. We were obsessed with each other, I was planning to move to Europe when we met, he followed me. He was unhappy with his life and I inspired him to change it. Now we are both here but our relationship deteriorated I was constantly afraid of all and everything. I was so scared of loosing him that I would break up with him constantly. He tried his best to keep things together but he also has a character that can be explosive and I am sensible… But we love each much. After another fight he had enough and packed his things and left, Its been 4 months now. because of our argument and fighting I have been studding physiology and everything that has to do with how to have a good relationship.

    Now I understand it all, all our mistakes. I made a list of all the things I was sorry for and read it to him, he cried and so did I. But he was full of rage and treated me badly after all i did , don't know he was dating a lady close to where he work then one night i went through his phone and saw a lot of text message they have exchange together ,i was so upset and mad when i read all there text message I could not take it anymore and we finally break up , He lives in another apartment now, we are still in the same city for a months now no contact with each other and i was thinking so much about him until a friend tell me about DR Love that he has help him before to get his love back between 48 hrs , Tel+2348038096203 then i email Dr Love and he told me there was a demon that was on me that is causing my relationship problem , i was so scared to hear that because i never had that before but i know something is going on with me and i told Dr Love to help . he promise me my boyfriend will come back after we remove the demon so i give him trust and believe tell him go ahead then after 38 hrs i saw my boyfriend knocking my door with a rose flower on is hands,this is the story of my love .


    Thank you Dr Love solution.

  103. This has been an on and off again issue for the last year with my now 2 year old dog. The main trigger I thought was a jealousy thing when my 1 and 2 year old neice and nephew come to stay. It happened 5 times over the year but has now happened about 5 times in the past month but always the bed they sleep on. Is this jealousy or is he just marking over there scent? If just marking will ensuring the beds are cleaned after there visits help to solve this? Will he come to accept their scent in the house?

  104. I have a yurkie and she is about 7 years old and we had been outside for about an hour and then went back inside and she laced down at my bumb and I felt something warm on me and I just thought I had wet on my pants from being outside as it had rained but when I got up I realized that she had pee on me. Never did this before I have a 4 year old grandson who won't leave her alone so could this be the cause for her behavior .

  105. I'm curious if it could be a territorial thing of one owner? My dog never pees anywhere else in my home except on my husbands side of the bed. Its always his pillows, his blankets and his side. When every my husband tries to call my dog he runs to me and keeps trying to get as close as possible. My husband doesn't call him in a raised voice or angry manner either so I'm really confused because if i call him outside he bolts to the for the door

  106. I have a 4 year old Doxie that I adopted 2 years ago. He was house broken when I got him and never had any problems with him. Just this last week he has pooped in the bathroom, in front of the toilet! And has peed twice in the bed. Once when we were sleeping in it and once when we were at work. We always let him out before work, and come home 4 hours later on our lunch break to let him out again so it's not like hes going long periods of time without going outside. I'm not sure what his deal has been lately. I have been working 50 hours a week and doing school work when I'm home so maybe I'm not giving him the attention he wants?

  107. Hello am JOYCE PHILIP,So trustworthy spell caster are still online?i never believed until i saw some post about Dr EHICARE on how he has helped lots of people on the internet.I told him i have had about him on internet and before i told him my problem,He has already told me what i came for and said people had scammed me off my money and added pain to my pain i was so shocked,He just told me that everything will be okay within 48 hours,i told him this was what does fake spell caster also told me,He said i should give him a try which i did.Truly am just short of words and over excited for what Dr EHICARE has done for me exactly when the 4 8hours was completed the call i got was from my lover that left me with pain for over a year,He said on phone JOYCE ,Can we talk in a sad and shy tone,i was like yes then he came to my house and apologized to me that he was sorry and proposed to me that same day and asked if i would marry him and i said yes,And our wedding will be in august friends you are coordinately invited am so happy,Thanks to Dr EHICARE you can contact him on or call him on this number +2347037098000.

  108. My mom's potty-trained nine year old yorkshire terrier Princess just came upstairs, jumped onto my bed, lifted her leg and peed right in front of me and then jumped off and ran downstairs. No idea what that was about. She was already downstairs and could have used the doggie door. But no; she takes the time to come all the way up here so I can watch her wet my bed. Why? I think she might be upset at me for something, but I've fed her and she has plenty of water and can go outside freely. And she's my mom's so she's not even supposed to be my problem. I got a maltese puppy a few weeks ago so maybe she's marking her territory? But the puppy can't even jump that high and she's generally kind to her... And really Princess and I aren't all buddy-buddy or anything - we're kind of distant - so I don't know why she'd want to mark her territory in my room?

  109. My dog sleeps with me and refuses to sleep anywhere else he was abused and I feel bad but he pisses on my bed daily WHAT DO I DO

  110. Love this site very much and the one who reported that arsehole: Seth Mitcham from Little Rock, Arkans' ass.... you know the story about the guy who threw frogs at the wall, he ended up in Death, Seth, against the wall in a car crash. Karma is real.

  111. I AM Mrs Juli. I want to testify of what a man god did for me and my hubby.we have been married since 2007 without a sign of pregnancy or conceiving.I went off birth control then and did not have a gyro gave me progesterone to jump-start a period and it did., but i did not have another one.we did another round of progesterone followed by 100mg cycloid for 5 months, we followed all doctors instructions but all to no avail.I have been buying ovulation kits pregnancy test AND i finally got 3 test when i was ovulating! So ever since that we been trying for years now! Well i was very confused because i keep taking em ting test AND they all keep turning out to b negative! I really want a baby girl while my hubby want a baby boy LOLL! I think maybe we are just trying to hard, What i can tell you is that its been so many years now and i still yet do not have my period??nobody to help because every body around us was already at the verge of losing their faith on were to run to until one faithful day i was reading a magazine and i stumble on a page were i found topic or a head line {A PROPHET} who can heal someone from HIV AND AIDS, bring back your EX, enlarge your BREAST, help you win a VISA LOTTERY, losing your WEIGHT and even get six PACKS AND flatten your BELLY, I gave him a try and before i could no it PROPHET MOSES rescue me from my problem by casting a spell for me and told me to go and make love with my hubby, then nine months after the spell and making love with my husband i delivered a twins A BOY AND A GIRL.This spell caster name is PROPHET MOSES so many people have witness his wonderful work..He is nice, contact him on if you are in any predicament•Thanks so very much!

  112. Thank you for the insight. My rescue mali/GSD mix has done it 3 times, and I know two were during thunderstorms.. her biggest fear - she's a TOTAL freak about thunder. Now i almost understand the behavior. She feels vulnerable. Not that it solves our issue...

  113. i want to express how grateful i am, because i finally got what i have been looking for. My husband left me and our kids i have tried all my possible best to reach him but is like every time i tried, i am making things worst for myself. But thank the God that lead me to DR OYE of ABUYE SPELL TEMPLE, he helped me to restore the love my husband had for me back within 3days of me contacting him. he came back just as DR OYE told me, he will make him come back. if you are in situation like this kindly contact DR OYE on his email

  114. Easy fix for us will be to close the bedroom door when she is to be left alone ...

  115. My 14 year old dog does this every time we go away on vacation. I don't know what to do. I can't always take him with me. I usually bring him to a boarder but I guess I will have to try having someone come to the house instead.

    1. I should explain that he does it when he comes home from the boarding kennels. So far today he has pee'd on my bed 2x !

  116. my little terd bandit pisses on my bed one more time I think I might football punt the little fucker outside and leave him for the big dogs to eat!!!!.....just kidding btw. but its a hard pill to swallow when you can see how the dog acts when she knows she's done something wrong or getting into trouble. me not being a dog whisperer I have to say that in my opinion this is dog shit. I'm just tired of getting irritated

  117. I am at my wits end. 6 months ago I found a small Chihuahua dachshund in a crate in a dumpster outside my daughter's speech class. I brought her home cleaned her up fed her and made her feel comfortable. I took her to the vet to see if she was microchipped or if anybody was missing a dog. Hoping that her owner was not that cruel just to throw her in the dumpster. Thinking possibly maybe she was stolen. She was not microchipped she was spayed. I post it all over Facebook and Twitter on Lost and found dogs in my area. No one claimed her. She had grown so attached to me and pretty much became my dog. The dog aka Josephine follows me everywhere in the shower, washing dishes, sleeping, cutting grass and vacuuming. Pretty much she's afraid of everybody but me. My only peeve is that she pees in my bed on my things and on me. Just last night watching TV she jumped on the back of the couch and peed on my shoulder. WTH I just don't get it. The dog is so sweet and I love her. I just don't know how much more I can take. At this rate I'm going to have to buy a new washing machine. Please need answers. It would break my heart if I had to get rid of her.

  118. Just had this happen on a brand new mattress. Fuming isn't the word. Time to bring the old crate from down the shed
